A passion for sports

proudly shooting frankston districts tigersharks afl masters

The man front and center in this headline image is my brother. We moved to Australia from the UK at 6 years old, he was thrust into the Aussie culture that is AFL football, and from that day on, I have spent countless weekends cheering on our teams.
I love the thrill and excitement of a burst shot, catching all the action, the pride and dedication on the faces of "our guys."
I am available for weekend and evening sports shoots of all kinds. Please make sure you book well in advance for these.

Equestrian sports

led, ridden, dressage, western, showjumping and cross country

My passion for equestrian sports photography stems from my own love of horses. I am familiar with the finesse involved in each of the different disciplines and pride myself of capturing "the" moment. I am particularly passionate about supporting grassroots equestrian sports and off the track horses in their new careers.
I am available for shows and events of all kinds. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

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